1 :: People want to learn.
Yes, there's connections and the everpresent networking vibe. And all the great block parties. And too much waste and posturing. But in every session, at each speaker, people gather with full expectations of being inspired, of changing something. If this isn't a call-to-arms on providing inspirational content to a hungry audience, I don't know what is. And on that note, over half the panels + speakers need to prepare better for opportunity. #panelreject became part of the vibe. Man up, presenters. Be here to provide great thinking, well-crafted presentations. Teach, if you will.
And yes, I think Glenn and I did a pretty good job of delivering well-planned, smart content. SRO crowd. Good commentary. Nice. And our book signing ended early because books sold out. After a triumphant talk:
2 :: OgilvyNotes is awesome.
What a smart way to jumpstart conversations and provide evidence of our time here. "Sponsoring" exhibits is one thing. Bringing evidence and connecting people with real data vis done well is exceptional. Bravo!
3 :: Exceptional opportunity if you use it.
Our #uosxsw crew has connected to some of the leading thinkers in the area. I've watched them network ("this is not as easy as it looks"), make use of our connections, leave their comfort zone, learn, add to the discussion. The 9 UOregon students in attendance got here on schoalrship and through our student public relations and advertising agencies. The work they're bringing back makes me know this is a smart place for them to be. They've reinvented accounts, thought about agency and collaborative culture, understood more what their aspirational mission is. They know the players. For Mark Blaine, Kelli Matthews and I (all Oregon SOJC faculty), it's a place to imagine. We've sat down to redirect curriculum, think through how threads of information might work as project, consider how to break silos.
And from talking to people, other people here -- CCos and interns, entrepreneurs, big brands and creatives -- attend to do the same. They want to reimagine the place they're in. Use this gathering as change agent. Cut through bullshit -- here and at home -- and find something worth growing.
What an opportunity.